Greetings from San Francisco
Hello Alan!
It's been five months since I met you in the burrito line at the North Flathead YC during the Montana Cup Regatta. I've checked out your website a couple times since then, looking over the Rocket 22, but only today found your blog. I see that just before racing in Montana you'd been on San Francisco Bay at the Berkeley Circle with OCSC. I'm amused because after leaving Montana in October, I relocated here in San Francisco and have become a member of OCSC! So I'm working through some sailing certifications there, and am having a great time with it. I've also launched a marine photogaphy business, and am working hard on getting known and getting published.
I'm sending you a couple photos of Count Down from the Montana Cup. If you like them and find them useful feel free to use them on your website or however you please (I can send larger copies by request, if needed). I hope if you'll look me up next time you're in the bay area. It would be a pleasure to do some sailing or even just have a couple beers and talk about it!
Peter Lyons
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